health & nutrition

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”
— Stephen Covey, author
The Discovery Call

Before you decide if my program is a fit, we need to make sure we’re a match. The 30-minute discovery call will give both of us a chance to get to know each other a little. 

This call will give you the opportunity to share what you want to work on most and give me a chance to provide insight into how our sessions would be structured to meet your goals.

If you choose to move forward with a program, I will share a health history form to outline what you consider as your immediate concern. We will then structure our first session based on our Discovery call and your health history answers, and go from there. 

I currently conduct my Discovery calls via Zoom. If you don’t have the desktop app, you can download it for free at (choose the Zoom Client Meetings option).

What to expect during a session

There is no set agenda for each session because our lives are complex and our priorities can change daily. I let you steer the conversation based on what you want to accomplish that day and provide guidance based on my expertise and personal experiences. 

At the end of each session, we’ll set 2-3 goals (big or small) for you to work on until we speak again and I’ll hold you accountable by going through them at the beginning of our next session. We’ll discuss what worked, what didn’t, and why. After each session, I’ll provide resources to explore based on our conversation that day. 

All of my packages include access to me via email for support and questions as you move towards long-term healthy lifestyle changes.

I offer virtual and in-person coaching sessions based on your preference. 

The Perfection Redefined Method
Refefining what perfection looks like means feeling confident in your own skin!

Based on our discovery call, I’ll customize a program specific to your needs to help you reach your health goals to live a life not tied to your bathroom scale through realistic, actionable steps. 

Together, we will take a deep dive into exploring topics unique to your health & wellness journey and create a plan after each session to help you achieve long-term success.

During your time with me, you will learn how to: 

  • Get a deeper, more restful sleep
  • Find peace with food & eat to fuel your body
  • Move beyond emotional eating 
  • Prioritize yourself and not feel guilty
  • Calm your mind (reducing stress & anxiety for mental well-being)
  • Naturally boost your energy
  • Love your body 
  • Establish a self-care routine
  • Set boundaries to take care of YOU!

Additionally, I’ll share recipes, cooking and mmeal-preppingtips, fitness ideas/routines, self-care recommendations, and handouts/resources based on our conversations and your individual needs.

Why did I create this program? Simple, so my clients feel energized, confident, and in control of their life beyond the number on their scale.


* I offer an 8-week or 12-week option for this program based on your goals.